Icelandic Horse
Stallion ShowCase
Sand Meadow Farm

Kalman frá Lćkjamóti
US1995101942 - IS1995155106
- S: Álmur frá Lćkjamóti
- SS: Stígandi frá Sauđárkróki
- SD: Sjöfn frá Miđsitju
- D: Von frá Stekkjarholti
- DS: Brúnblesi frá Hoftúnum
- DD: Brúnblesa frá Ţverholtum

Kalman is a first prize stallion imported from Iceland
with a total score of 8.1. He is a pure four gaited
horse with an even gait distribution receiving the
score of 8.5 for tolt, trot and canter/gallop. His
movements are large and fluid, with gaits that are
well defined and easy to ride.
He is an exceptionally handsome dark bay. At this
time with a total conformation score of 8.33, he is
the highest evaluated stallion in North America for
conformation. His strong build is topped off by one
of the most lush manes and tails Iceland has ever
produced - receiving a perfect "10" from the Icelandic

Kalman's generous character even exceeds his beautiful
gaits and stunning looks. He is a perfect gentleman
both on the ground and under saddle - friendly,
obedient, and willing to please.
Kalman's first offspring in Iceland are already
winning high praise for their elegant bodies,
beautiful movements, and cooperative characters.

We are proud to have such an exception stallion here
in the US. For more information about Kalman, please
contact us.
Sand Meadow Farm
Steven & Andrea Barber
Long Island, NY
Sand Meadow Farm